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mother spider axe

My dev Journey.

I never imagined that just months before graduating as a renewable energy engineer, I would discover my true passion for programming. This realization began by chance while watching how Japanese light novel games are developed using scripting languages. Driven by curiosity, I started exploring resources to learn coding.

My journey truly took off when I found FreeCodeCamp, where I began learning HTML, CSS, and, most importantly, JavaScript -now TypeScript -. As I built my skills, I sought out tutorials from renowned web development creators on YouTube, which taught me how to create websites from scratch and introduced me to libraries and frameworks like React.js and Next.js.

After a few months of following beginner tutorials, I transitioned to learning from official documentation and focused on advanced topics, diving into LeetCode challenges to enhance my problem-solving skills. This self-taught path has not only sharpened my technical abilities but also fostered a relentless drive to keep learning and improving in the field of programming.

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